速報APP / 教育 / Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:639/10 Binh An A Hamlet, Cho Lach District, Ben Tre Province, Viet Nam

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖1)-速報App

This app will give you real applications in the use Angular 5

You will see the full source code of the demo. You will see how:

1. Pass Values from Component to View

2. Pass Object from Component to View

3. Pass Objects List from Component to View

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖2)-速報App

4. Use Click Event in Angular 5

5. Use KeyUp Event in Angular 5

6. Use KeyUp.Enter Event in Angular 5

7. Use Change Event in Angular 5

8. Select Element from List with Change Event in Angular 5

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖3)-速報App

9. Select A File with Change Event in Angular 5

10. Select Multiple File with Change Event in Angular 5

11. One-Way Data Binding in Angular 5

12. Two-Way Data Binding in Angular 5

13. Form Controls in Angular 5

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖4)-速報App

14. Form Validation in Angular 5

15. Custom Validators in Angular 5

16. Create and Use Services in Angular 5

17. Use Object and Objects List with Services in Angular 5

18. Call A Service from Another Service in Angular 5

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖5)-速報App

19. Build Angular 5 Template with Routing and Navigation

20. Route Parameters with Routing and Navigation

21. Nested Routes with Routing and Navigation

22. Dynamic Components in Angular 5

23. Use StrictNullChecks in Angular 5

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖6)-速報App

24. ngIf with else

25. Call GET HTTP Method with Express.JS Web API and MongoDB

26. Call POST HTTP Method with Express.JS Web API and MongoDB

27. Call PUT HTTP Method with Express.JS Web API and MongoDB

28. Call DELETE HTTP Method with Express.JS Web API and MongoDB

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖7)-速報App

29. Authentication in Angular 5

30. Build Shopping Cart in Angular 5

You also see the results after the demo with the illustrations.

You can also copy the code in this app and use it on your project.

Learn Angular 5 with Real Apps(圖8)-速報App